leather bags and leather goods
leather bags and leather goods

Leather bags are esential accessories for everyone. We are making top quality leather goods and bags for our exclusive customers. When you view our leather products you will find classy handmade leather bag or leather product that you can use in love. Our collection has stylish leather bags for women and best leather bags for men. If we talk about leather bags for men, they are just as functional and cool as women ‘s bag models. Best quality and functional design will feel you good. Bags, which are one of the most used items and accessories of all women in their daily lives. Leather bags for women are offered with wide range of products. Women’s bags contain different types from office environments to  special occasions to travel. You can easily choose the best gift for the person. We provide you different kind of gift in our leather gifts category, there are a number of gifts, which are available to custumize. You can order gifts from our gift category easily.

We prefer the highest quality leather available on the market to produce our leather goods. We use traditional handicraft production techniques and prefer timeless designs. All Troya bags and leather products are made in the USA. Our leather products are duraible for many years and you can leave a heritage to your grandchildren …